What is Coaching?
Coaching supports the personal and professional goals of clients.
Supporting the Landscape of Life and Work
What is Coaching? (Based on the International Coaches Federation definition)
  • The coaching relationship is a highly effective way of unlocking the potential of the individual in order to maximize their performance.
  • Coaching is about taking people from where they are now and moving them forwards to attain their self-chosen goals.
  • Coaching is a purposeful relationship supported by a trusting two-way partnership and constructive processes that enable another’s development and success by helping them achieve desired change and growth.
  • Coaching is a conversation where the coachee knows most of the answers. The Coach is there to ask intelligent and insightful questions that will motivate the coachee to think and reflect on what they want to do or achieve.
  • A Qualified Coach follows ethical principles and standards of the International Coaches Federation

Coaching takes place through conversations (and coaching models) that help clients identify and move forward through challenges, opportunities and difficulties.

There is not really a line in coaching between life and work. Coaching takes into consideration who we are and what is important to us, what we want to achieve and how we can get there. 

Get Started: Where are you now in your journey and where do you want to go?

Think about your journey, some questions to guide you are:

  1. What is working for you in your current role?
  2. What challenges are you facing?
  3. Where do you feel stuck or held back?
  4. What will it mean for you, your business or your career if you resolve this?
  5. What will be the consequence if you don’t resolve this?
  6. How would it feel to get past the place where you are now?
  7. What will be different when this is resolved?
  8. What would it be like if you found new possibilities that moved you forward?